Well today was finally my day off after working like 10 in a row! I really don't know how I do it, and school work well it keeps me pretty busy. But, finally today I was able to bake! Yippppyyy!
I decided to go with something of my own invention rather than follow a recipe. So, as I browsed the aisles of the nearby grocery store I found a Sangria bottle. Lets make a Sangria cake, I though to myself so here is the result.

The recipe is fairly simple,
12 Tablespoons butter,
1 cup granulated sugar
1 1/3 cups sifted all pourpouse flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup Sangria
1 egg
2 egg whites
Combine butter and sugar and whip until smooth, then add egg beat well.
In another bowl mix salt, powder and flour
then combine dry mix into butter, alternating with Sangria mix.
Finish and Start with flour
Beat until mixed.
In another bowl beat whites until they form stiff peaks, fold into batter.
Put into molds.
Bake in the oven at 350 for about 20 minutes or until the toothpick test comes clean.
The dessert also has a sangria syrup.
it is very simple to make
2 cups sugar
1 cup water
2/3 cups Sangria
Boil sugar and water to create a simply syrup,
slowly add Sangria, let it reduce, then let it cool before putting on cake
And the apple crisps are also a cute and simple decoration.
1 apple sliced
1/2 cup grahams crumbs with sugar
butter as needed
Put apples on a baking sheet, coat both sides with crust, butter a little so they wont stick.
Bake until crisp

To assemble, Position cake in the center of plate, Add apple crisps on side, pour the syrup on center of cake, letting it drip down to surround the dessert. Top with sour cream. voila!!
Thanks for the comment. The cake looks very amazing.
What a cool recipe, and so easy to make too! Thanks for sharing.
Casual Kitchen
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