So I had class again today ... Hospitality Law which is always fun with my favorite teacher and then GardeManger. I did have to dice half a pound of potatoes before class and make them into large dice for the chef to grade. But, that was forgotten once we got to the real cooking. Today was dip/spread day. gosh. All the fun things we did. First off out each person had to do mayonnaise a basic emulsion. 6 to 8 eight ounces of oil for 1 egg yolk and lots of whipping. WOW were my arms tired. But after that we got to play around and do hummus, babba ganoush, tomato coulis and pesto. My favorite no doubt is the Hummus. I could eat hummus for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I could eat it all day and I would feel like a winner . See? It even inspires me to write poetry.

Well the hummus was the fastest to make, since all that is needed is to puree all the ingredients, the coulis is a little more labor intensive, the pesto is same just to puree the basil leaves with pine nuts and parmesan cheese. Oh, I love basil leaves!!
And the babba ganoush is roated eggplant. The only hard part is to roast the eggplants...
But we could not eat the dips alone, so we made pita chips and zucchini sticks. Oh, that was the best dinner for me..
Im thinking of naming Tuesdays ... School Tuesdays? Taco Tuesdays? Show and Tell Tuesdays? Yup, thats what they will be called Show and Tell Tuesdays, every tuesday I will show and tell you what I did at school. They will only last as long as school does though. Oh, well nothing in life is permanent...

1 comment:
I love zucchini sticks! I never liked zucchini until I had it fried - now I love it raw!
I am actually going to try making an edammame (sp?) hummus this weekend - I'll let you know how it turns out!
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